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We asked some of our readers and customers who are part of The Concealed Carry Revolution some questions...
Why do they carry? When did they start carrying? What does Concealed Carry mean to them? And much much more...
Samantha- 32 - Florida

Samantha told us she has been a Concealed Carrier 4 years.
We asked her what Concealed Carry means to her and why she carries:
"I would say, being a Concealed Carrier has been a big commitment but I definitely think it's for the better!"
She continued "
I feel so much more at peace and at ease when being out by myself, doing a late night run to Walmart, or walking to my car in a parking lot after dinner, going to fill up with gas or a quick trip to the ATM, places I would be more worried about visiting by myself."
John - 32 - Texas
John is a security analyst from Austin, TX told us "My dad was a Concealed Carrier, so as soon as I was 21 and was able to get my permit I did, I really believe in the 2nd Amendment and Concealed Carry daily. I carry so that I can defend my life and my loved ones if needed"
We love to hear from Concealed Carriers who seize the opportunity as soon as they are old enough to carry!
Michael - 28 - Ohio
Michael told us "I grew up in a dangerous neighborhood so as soon as I could, I Concealed Carried, I've been carrying about 7 years now, I work security so I carry daily"
We asked Michael - What tips do you have for someone new to Concealed Carry?
"I would say the number 1 tip is make sure you carry daily and also that you dress to Conceal your weapon, a slightly baggy shirt works for me with an Inside The Waistband holster like the
Jane 62 - Nebraska
If you've read Jane's Story then you know she is a Concealed Carrier for over 30 years she told us "
I am a mother of 3 and I raised my youngest 2 as a single mom. I didn’t exactly live in the safest part of town and I had a dangerous and abusive Ex who had made threats against me."
Her top tips that she told us were -
"I would say the biggest thing other than not skipping carrying and making sure you carry everyday is not skipping going to the range, you have to practice too, if you don't use it, you lose it! I try to do a few range sessions a month."
We asked Greg what being part of the Concealed Carry Revolution means to him...
The Carriers of The Concealed Carry Revolution come from all different walks of life, we have different back grounds, have different ages, different shapes and sizes.
But one thing we all have in common is we are all out there exercising our rights and being able to defend ourselves every day!
Let us know what Concealed Carry means to you in the comment section below!
Hello yo my 2A family. I conceal carry because I’ve seen a decent world gone totally crazy. Filled with so much hatred. I carry for the simple protection of my growing family as well as protection of myself. Being 50, I’ve had many guns before. Mostly rifles, shotguns and high capacity pistols. Living somewhat free in Massachusetts.
I carry because I live in Chicago enough said